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[01] We were unable to refresh Saiku Reports in Community Edition 3.0.5 version. Please assist.
We have already refer "" link and unable to find any work around for community edition.
[02] In addition to that, may we know the status of RS-3034 (a flush cache button for datasources)?
[03] As per ReportServer 3.0.3 release note, (RS-2833 Improvement Unification of "Reset" and "Refresh" Buttons of Saiku and Pivot Reports) we were unable to find any "Refresh" or "reset" button. Please guide us.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Nayana,
[01] You are correct, for automatic cache refresh of Saiku reports you need scripting, only available in Enterprise Edition (including enterprise evaluation edition). You can also just restart reportserver, the cache is being deleted at reportserver restart. E.g., you can schedule reportserver to restart every night.
[02] RS-3034 is currently in the development queue.
[03] The "Reset"-Button mentioned in the release notes is the "Reset cube" button you see in Saiku Reports : . In past versions, the buttons in pivot and saiku reports had different buttons, which were not consistent with each other. This was corrected in 3.0.3.
Thanks a lot for the information. Really helpful for us.
Thanks & Regards