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To make ReportServer use the configdir you have to set the rs.configdir system property, for example by specifying the
command line switch.
Where exactly is this property supposed to be set? If it's in a file, where can the file be found?
Hi Johann,
these are standard Tomcat / Java options. You can set them for example in the setenv.bat tomcat file. You can find tons of documentation of this on the internet.
Hi Eduardo,
I was under the impression that this was an option to be set in ReportServer rather than Tomcat/Java. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Warm regards,
Hi Eduardo,
May I clarify: if we were to use the external configdir, does that mean we have to remove the files in the ReportServer file system so that the external configdir files would be used instead?
If a configfile is present in the internal fileserver, the same file on the local filesystem will be ignored, ReportServer will not try to merge the two files. However you can have some config files in the fileserver and others in the configdir.
Thank you!