#1 2015-01-28 04:45:00

Registered: 2014-03-11

Problem with LDAP in RS 2.2.1-5602 2014-12-17-20-23-49

After reading this post translated from German:
http://translate.google.com/translate?h … rev=search

A script was mentioned in this post.  Thanks be to Google Translate!

I made some edits to the script provided by Thorsten.  I added declarations of the Logger class internal to each class contained within the script.  I also switched out System.out.println and replaced it with logger.severe().   I suspect my logging levels aren't set properly but I was unable to figure out how to make the necessary adjustments.  This is my hack.

New hookldappam.groovy (with debugging) file:

New hookldappam.groovy (without debugging) file:

If you're using LDAP, you must use the new script and set the following attribute in the report.properties file:

rs.authenticator.pams = 

Thorsten, please correct me if I'm mistaken.


#2 2015-01-28 17:58:01

Thorsten J. Krause

Re: Problem with LDAP in RS 2.2.1-5602 2014-12-17-20-23-49

Hi Tom,

should have read this post first; I just posted the same answer in the other topic. You are correct, for now the pams must be set to none, and the fallback to non-ldap passwords was moved into the script. I'm not quite sure that this is how I want it to be, but even if I decide to change this again, this solution, where the script handles everything and the internal authenticator modules are disabled should always work.


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