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It would be great to be able to copy a user's profile with permissions instead of having to individually set permissions for every user - or allow for user groups to copy permissions down to the user.
Is that currently possible & I have just missed the information on that?
Hi Lynn,
copying the permissions for a single user in not a trivial task since you first need to define what the permissions are. So, for example, the permissions of a user a both affected by the groups that the user is in
(and groups can also be nested) and the folder a user is in. Hence we usually recommend not to define permissions on the basis of a user but rather on the basis of groups or OUs (folders).
So no. There currently is no trivial way to copy all the permissions that a user has, but then again, you could of course achieve this (once you defined what exactly you want to copy) using scripts.
Great Tx!
Pages: 1