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is it possible to share one internal RS-Database with two or more ReportServer instances?
This would be a RS-Cluster.
Best Regards
Hi Joachim,
I am afraid that ReportServer at this time is not clusterable out of the box. Let me try to explain: If you do a basic cluster setup with sticky sessions for load balancing then most of ReportServer will simply work. There are, however, a few caveats: for once, ReportServer runs a few maintenance threads that are currently not synchronized via multiple nodes. This, in particular, includes the scheduler which would need to be configured to only run on a single node, that is, the scheduler needs to be disabled on every node but one. The second, and more severe, problem concerns scripted and CSV datasources. ReportServer loads these into a database cache which is currently also not synchronized via multiple nodes. Thus, accessing data from either a script or a CSV datasource might currently fail in a clustered setup.
In case you do not plan on using script or csv datasources you should be fine running ReportServer in a clustered environment, given that you properly handle the scheduler. (I have to add, that we are not running ReportServer in a cluster environment at this time for any of our clients, so these findings are based only on limited tests.)
I created the ticket RS-2735 and we will take a look if this is possible for 3.1: to make reportserver clusterable out-of-the-box.
Best regards,
Hi Eduardo again
How is going with resolving RS-2735? Is nowadays RS clusterable?
Hi Patryx,
this is not currently possible out-of-the-box. We will update here when this happens.
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