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Hello, I wanted to create 200 users using XML import option, i want to understand the format of xml that is to be imported or the way it can be done using excel or something, Thanks in Advance.
Hello shivam.panchal,
for this, I would recommend you to first export a small subtree of your existing users-tree, for example with 2-3 users, and then check the XML created.
Best regards,
Thanks Eduardo for the answer, but the exported xml file doesnt seem to be symmetrical.
Hi shivam.panchal,
what do you mean with "symmetrical"? do you have a concrete example ?
I tried to figure out the format, then created similar trees like ones containing information about one user, and then when i uploaded it, it shows import error, and also there are admin information in the xml in between as well. So, its not working as of now. Do, we have any import format of xml, which i can use to enter the entries of the users with their credentials. Also, the password, i generated for all of two users which i created initially was same, but in xml, its encrypted and different.
Hi Shivam,
what import error are you getting?
what admin information do you mean?
No, the only import format of xml is the one used during export/import. I just tried it and I am able to import users previously exported.
Yes, the password is hashed, so you would have to use a "master password" or similar for the users created, where you know the hashed value of the password.
Again, a simple script for this purpose would be easier and more powerful, so you can exactly control the attributes of the users created. Refer to, #2 for an example.
Best regards,
Hii, I am also able to import the same exported user, what i am trying to do is changing the username, and firstname and last name in the xml file, by copying the that exported item tree several time to reproduce the user, password keeping the same as encrypted and when i import, it doesnt show the error, but not uploading.
Have you set the "import target location" and then in the "objects" tab selected the users to import, then click on "complete import"?
You can then go to the user tree, click on "refresh", and you should see your imported users, even if you changed their username, first name and lastname.