#1 2017-05-07 01:07:10

Registered: 2017-05-03

caching behavior / parameters

Hello All

If I understood correctly, ReportServer out of the box behavior is to regenerate reports / dashboard elements every time a new session is opened and then cache them just for that specific session.
Once the that session is closed the cached data is gone and it will be regenerated if a new session is opened

As my data is very static, it changes just once a year, I would like to be able to permanently cache any report/dashboard element, after being generated the first time, for every user and every session so that are not regenerated every time

Is there a way to configure ReportServer to permanently cache elements for every session and user once the element has been generated?

If not possible, do you know by any chance if a middleware like ehcache or similar could be used?

Thanks heaps!



#2 2017-05-09 10:44:54

Registered: 2016-10-21

Re: caching behavior / parameters

Hi Mark,

reportserver does not provide a caching mechanism so far. Thus said, if you have a use case that requires caching executed reports there is some other functions that Reportserver offers:

- Schedule the report and mail it to the recipients. This way you control execution time, execute the rpeort once and for all, and send the report for every recipient.
- Schedule the report and store it in the teamspace of the receiving team. This way all team members can see and open the executed and stored report.
- use the underlying RDBMS to store the report data for fast execution by preparing the data well and storing it in memory (if possible)

Hope that helps to clarify the issue



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