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Is there any easy way to automatically update a birt report file ?
I'm a little bit tired of reuploading my reports everytime I change something.
I bought the entire documentation and i didn't find anything for that
thx in advance
you could take a look at the integrated sftp server, but uploading the report using an ftp client probably isn't much better than using the web form. Another option would be to use a script to automatically update a folder on the server with the reports inside ReportServer, but of course this requires you to develop said script.
Sorry, but these are the only two options I can think of.
thanks for you answer, your answer bring a new problem, i can't connect to the sftp server, I have the error "no hostkey alg"
I only change the port number in the configuration, the file hostkey.pem exist in tmpres
thx in advance
Pages: 1