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We are trying to get BIRT reports to run from our ReportServer installation and we can execute the report but get no data. If we download the report from reportserver back to Eclipse and run its fine.
We are not setting any BIRT datasources since we want to use the one defined in the report and the admin docs say it is not needed. The server can see the database server (mS SQL 2008 on Win 7 machine) so its not an access issues and we can execute the report from a URL, but can't figure out what we are missing on getting RS to pull data.
We have tried setting up datasources in RS with the server's IP and its name, no change in issue. We have remapped the data multiple ways in the report trying to match the RS datasource and no luck.
We see there is a BIRT datasource that does not seem to allow you to setup much of any kind of connection, so we do not understand what that is for. We tried setting up a BIRT Datasource with the same name as the database name in the report, the same name as the data source description from the report, set the permissions to allow full rights, and no impact.
Any ideas on what we are missing would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Ed,
can you please try to export the report as html? This sometimes shows error messages that are otherwise omitted.
Hey Thorsten,
That did display the error, but not sure what to do about it, here is the error:
The following items have errors:
Table (id = 49):
+ An exception occurred during processing. Please see the following message for details:
Cannot find or process the com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting.oda driver's data source extension configuration.
Cannot find the ODA dataSource extension (com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting.oda).
Check the workspace log file for any problems with loading the extension bundle and its dependencies.
Any thoughts on how to correct it?
Forgot to mention we are using MyEclipse from Genuitec as our BIRT editor, the error lists that but not sure what to add to RS to make it work.
Hi Ed,
looks as if reports created with MyEclipse are not compatible with the stock birt report engine without adding additional libraries. A quick search turned up … extension/
check if you can find the indicated file(s) com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting.oda_X.0.0.mexxxxx.jar and copy them to the WEB-INF/lib folder in the ReportServer install directory.
If you restart ReportServer you will probably be presented with the next error message, so try if you can find a jar file with a name matching the missing module and repeat the process. Maybe you can also just copy all com.genuitec.eclipse.reporting.*.jar files, but I can't tell if this won't cause other incompatibilities.
Hey Thorsten,
Thanks for the tip on those jars (I have to watch reading error messages before the first dose of caffeine in the morning), I added the following jars from the MyEclipse installation\plugins folder to the RS WEB-INF\lib folder and the initial testing seems to work:
Those are from the ME 2015 installation and are probably slightly different for other revisions of ME.
If we run into any side effects of having those jars installed, I will update this for others that may run into the same issue.
Thanks again for your help,
Hi Ed,
glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing the solution.