#1 2024-11-21 23:41:12

Registered: 2024-10-12

Conditional Formatting on JXLS template duplicating rules forEach row

I applied a single conditional formatting rule to a column in my JXLS excel template.

After running the report, it duplicated the rule 1400 times.

Is it possible to use conditional formatting such that it doesn't duplicate? Is there a parameter I can pass to the JXLS engine to tell it "no duplicating conditional formatting rules"?

Alternately, if you know of a way to include desired styling as part of the data or row, I could try that.

e.g. if i could say, make a column called STYLE and put in "fillColor='red';textColor='white'" and have jxls read it as row.STYLE and apply that, i would love that.This question is more about whether JXLS supports, so I'll go post over there too

(note: I already used jx:each with jx:if to send the desired row either to second row or third row, but jx:if does not support if-elseif, so i am limited to 2 unique rows as result of if-else (that is, jx:if(condition="row.FOO == 'T'", areas=["A2:B2", "A3:B3"]) as far as I can tell)

Last edited by zitot (2024-11-22 00:07:58)


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