#1 2024-07-03 09:52:24

Registered: 2024-06-27

Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

We're implementing a data warehouse reporting consisting of various reports and diagrams which are linked together using BIRT's Drill Down functionality: Klicking e.g. on a pie chart slice should open another report showing more detailled  data.

Within BIRT - including its Tomcat Runtime Application - it works fine but from the same BIRT report in ReportServer there is no way to open the link. It shows a Javascript void(0) when clicking the slice.  (right click + open in new tab)

Is this feature implemented at all? I'm quite sure you're using the same BIRT runtime as in the stand alone app - so why  should this be be missing here when it is available there?


#2 2024-07-05 08:13:02

Registered: 2022-08-01

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down


We will check on this.

Since we doesn't develop the BIRT stand alone app I just can make assumptions: Using the same library does not ensures the correct useage of the lib! Sometimes there are sparsely documented functions so that developers have to guess the useage... resulting in differences between applications.

So we love to get some input / error reports like this! If you can provide us with an example report you'll help us a lot!

kind Regards


Softwareentwickler bei Infofabrik


#3 2024-07-09 14:59:47

Registered: 2024-06-27

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

I've set up a simple test in BIRT - two reports reading and displaying a single tabe, linked together using the hyperlink property and drilldown. In BIRT it works but when I deploy these reports to the ReportServer it fails due to strange URL formatting:

- Open Report 1: http://myserver:8080/#reportexec/uuid:96234ee1-554f-4dfa-8399-6daa6db04ee0
-- Contains Links to Report2 - which fail: http://myserver:8080/reportserver/run?__report=%2Ftest_tiere.rptdesign&besitzer=4&__overwrite=true
- Open Report 2 works using its only integer parameter: http://myserver:8080/ReportServer.html#reportexec/uuid:eac51028-6525-48fb-af65-df7610fbc7dd

It looks like the URL schemata between BIRT and ReportServer are different.

When I try using diagrams - there is no reaction on clicks at all.

I've perpared screen video - where should I post it?

Viele Grüße
Conrad Beckert


#4 2024-07-10 06:42:12

Registered: 2022-08-01

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

hi Conrad,


especially the


part doesn't look familiar to me.

Is it possible that the endpoint "run" is part of the BIRT Standalone application? I'm not aware that the ReportServer has this particular endpoint as well as the parameters prefixed with "__"

You could read more about embedding or executing Reports here

if you like to share your video you could use services like vimeo (you can set a password for each video). You can send me a personal message OR share it with the forum if you like.

kind regards


Softwareentwickler bei Infofabrik


#5 2024-07-10 09:37:48

Registered: 2024-06-27

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

I've sent you the video link and the sample programs (in German - I hope this is OK :-)   )

Yes it looks exactly like from the BIRT runtime (the one which gets started from Eclipse) … 1895065698

and so are the links within the Report. Please see this example: … e%2Freport

I remember that joining reports - be it drill down or jump to an anchor - did work before. There is a clickable pie chart in the Demo server's dashboard and this is an important feature for any dashboarding.


#6 2024-07-10 10:06:35

Registered: 2022-08-01

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

Hi Conrad,

Thank you very much for your video!

yes, we're absolutely fine with german wink Since you posted here in the english part of the Forum I will still answer in english if your fine with tat?

I see two different problems:
1. The Piechart should be clickable and is not => we will check on this one!
2. The URL of the links on the blank page(around min 3:25) is wrong => maybe there is some configuration inside of the .rptdesign files to overwrite default urls?

I will take both to my coworkers to discuss... therefore i need to apologize for some waiting time

kind regards


Softwareentwickler bei Infofabrik


#7 2024-08-13 10:12:17

Registered: 2024-06-27

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

Hi Felix,

I did further research and testing with linked reports using ReportServer. Actually I changed the URL to the format described here:

https://reportserver.net/de/blog/detail … rill-downs

Just for the record, I selected URI instead if DrillDown which permits me to enter an URI which looks e.g. linke that;

"http://myserver.example.org:8080/report … 08&p_Land="+row["name"]+"&format=html"

which works so far - it even passes the parameter correctly (given the right name with prefix p_ added)

- no matter what I select as target in BIRT - the linked report alwas gets downloaded - it never opens automatically rendering it useless.
- clicking a diagram item does not work at all.

What can I do?

Vielen Dank und viele Grüße


#8 2024-08-14 06:26:33

Registered: 2022-08-01

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

Hi Conrad,

I've still does not have a solution for you... we're still busy finalizing the ReportServer 4.7.

using urls for reports you could try adding "&download=false" to your url... this MAY be some help against the automatic download. As I am aware this only works while using the httpauthexport interface.  Have a look at 7.11.3 Embedding Reports Without Login ?

that clicking a diagram is not working is still strange to me...

viele Grüße


Softwareentwickler bei Infofabrik


#9 2024-08-14 08:09:47

Registered: 2016-11-01

Re: Linked Reports and Diagrams BIRT - Drill down

Hi Conrad,

could you please create a minimal report that reproduces both issues? For simplicity pls use either the demo datasource or any internal datasource table. For example RS_USERS, etc.
With this minimal report we will hopefully be able to reproduce the issues.



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