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Is it possible to enable httpHeaderSecurity in headers of tomcat for Report Server ?
I´ve tried to below parameters in /conf/web.xml file, however, the tool still cannot identify the headers properly.
> - santoru ..............................
Simple tool to check security headers on a webserver
[*] Analyzing headers of
[*] Effective URL:
[!] Missing security header: X-Frame-Options
[!] Missing security header: X-Content-Type-Options
[!] Missing security header: Strict-Transport-Security
[!] Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy
This is something that we will investigate in the near future! Expecially the CSP-header.
One quick idea (without testing it ) to hack this into the reportserver was to change the ReportServer.html ...
changing the tomcat configuration is a way I never thought of ... this sounds like a great idea!
kind regards
Softwareentwickler bei Infofabrik
I´ve tried to hack ReportServer.html, but it didn´t work.
I included this code in ReportServer.html:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="Strict-Transport-Security" content="max-age=31536000">
Interesting to notice is that, when I check the root, the tool doesn´t identify the security headers:
./ https://myserver:8443/ -d
> - santoru ..............................
Simple tool to check security headers on a webserver
[*] Analyzing headers of https://myserver:8443/
[*] Effective URL: https://myserver:8443/
[!] Missing security header: X-Frame-Options
[!] Missing security header: X-Content-Type-Options
[!] Missing security header: Strict-Transport-Security
[!] Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Referrer-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Permissions-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
However, when I test the ReportServer.html page directly, the tool identifies the headers:
./ https://myserver:8443/ReportServer.html -d
> - santoru ..............................
Simple tool to check security headers on a webserver
[*] Analyzing headers of https://myserver:8443/ReportServer.html
[*] Effective URL: https://myserver:8443/ReportServer.html
[*] Header X-XSS-Protection is present! (Value: 1; mode=block)
[*] Header X-Frame-Options is present! (Value: DENY)
[*] Header X-Content-Type-Options is present! (Value: nosniff)
[*] Header Strict-Transport-Security is present! (Value: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains)
[!] Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Referrer-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Permissions-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
Hi marcioribeiro1979,
what happens when you edit your REPORTSERVER/WAR/WEB-INF/web.xml file directly?
Hi Eduardo,
Our ReportServer is installed in this folder: /local/reportserver-tomcat
I included the following configuration in these 3 files:
Then, I created a simple test page: /local/reportserver-tomcat/ReportServer/test.html
<p>Hello World</p>
When I test the root folder, I get this result:
./ https://myserver:8443 -d
> - santoru ..............................
Simple tool to check security headers on a webserver
[*] Analyzing headers of https://myserver:8443
[*] Effective URL: https://myserver:8443
[!] Missing security header: X-Frame-Options
[!] Missing security header: X-Content-Type-Options
[!] Missing security header: Strict-Transport-Security
[!] Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Referrer-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Permissions-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
[!] Headers analyzed for https://myserver:8443
[+] There are 0 security headers
[-] There are not 9 security headers
However, when I test the page, it works:
./ https://myserver:8443/test.html -d
> - santoru ..............................
Simple tool to check security headers on a webserver
[*] Analyzing headers of https://myserver:8443/test.html
[*] Effective URL: https://myserver:8443/test.html
[*] Header X-XSS-Protection is present! (Value: 1; mode=block)
[*] Header X-Frame-Options is present! (Value: DENY)
[*] Header X-Content-Type-Options is present! (Value: nosniff)
[*] Header Strict-Transport-Security is present! (Value: max-age=31536000;includeSubDomains)
[!] Missing security header: Content-Security-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Referrer-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Permissions-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy
[!] Missing security header: Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy
[!] Headers analyzed for https://myserver:8443/test.html
[+] There are 4 security headers
[-] There are not 6 security headers