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Am i able to fetch more than 1 tables in my query?
For example:
select * from table1
select * from table2
(i don't want to join the two tables into one. i want the user to see both of the tables in his report and choose the columns he wants)
Thank you in advance!
Hi Pavlos,
if i get you, the idea is to compare two tables in a contrasting juxtaposition. To do that you need a frame in which to position the juxtaposition. This is possible if you use jasper or birt and desgin a report for this purpose but not using dynamic lists. Thus said it is an issue that we rose a couple of month ago and are still working on it (version 3.1).
wbr jan
Thank you for your answer.
I was wondering if i could without Jasper or Britt but i see it is not possible.
Thanks again!
Hi PavlosS,
what you may try is to "mimic" this behavior by defining a dashboard containing the (dynamic lists) reports in the positions you need. So in the background you have more than one report but the users see one page (one dashboard) with both reports side by side.
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