#1 2018-02-14 10:33:50

Registered: 2018-02-10

jasperReports Server vs ReportServer

According to jaspersoft documentations and self tests, why did you build ReportServer?
there are complete solutions in jasperReports...
what's your advantages?


#2 2018-02-14 11:19:06

Registered: 2016-11-01

Re: jasperReports Server vs ReportServer

Hi hmdshariati,

ReportServer is a complete BI solution to support your BI use case. Here is a short list of ReportServer features:

Some quick points:
* pixel-perfect reporting (jasper, birt, crystal)
* ad-hoc relational reporting (dynamic lists)
* advanced ad-hoc reporting (multi-dimensional OLAP style reports) using mondrian
* advanced user and permission management
* internationalization
* flexible spreadsheet-like database editor (grid editor)
* native excel reporting
* support for a wide range of databases: Supported databases include: DB2, Firebird, H2, HSQL, Informix, MariaDB, MonetDB MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Sybase, Vertica.
* support for advanced customization with scripts
* support for advanced reporting with script reports
* Theming: Style ReportServer according to your corporate identity
* scheduling: you can schedule reports to be sent to your email or a special folder later or periodically
.. among many other features

Check here for a detailed list of features: https://reportserver.net/en/pricing/  There you can see a detailed comparison of the community and the enterprise edition.

Best regards,


#3 2018-03-04 14:13:15

Registered: 2016-10-21

Re: jasperReports Server vs ReportServer

Hi hmdshariati,

Jasper is great for pixel sharp reporting but not for ad hoc list reporting nor for cubes. Ever tried a crosstab in jasper ? We needed a plattform that integrates several good open source BI Solutions like Eclipse BIRT, Mondriaon, jxls, ... which all have there strenghts and weeknesses.

Jasper server comes at with high costs and limited functionality that did not suffice our needs.

wbr jan


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